Mr. SUN Zhe

2022-07-22 16:14:24 Gotion Viewd 247

Mr. SUN Zhe, is an independent Director of our Company. Currently, he is also co-director of the China Initiative at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, researcher of Center for Local Government Governance and Innovation Research at Peking University, and independent non-executive director of China Resources Land Co., Ltd. (华润置地有限公司). Previously, Mr. Sun served as independent director of MGM China Holdings Limited (美高梅中国控股有限公司), director and professor of Center for US-China Relations at Tsinghua University, and deputy director, professor and doctoral adviser of Center for American Studies at Fudan University. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law from Fudan University in the PRC, and a PhD in political science from Columbia University in the US.